An AI counts all modes of transport

As do many other cities, Jyväskylä is actively developing the measurement of various modes of transport. Analyses are now done also with the help of a solution based on artificial intelligence.

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By open data | Digitraffic

Digitraffic offers an extensive and open data interface for information on various modes of transport in Finland. Nodeon takes advantage of this data in its traffic analyses, integrates it into customer-specific data, and provides efficient tools for a situational overview and historical data on the traffic on Finland’s main road network.

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Safer way to school

It is difficult to think of a more important target for the improvement of road safety than children’s way to school. Nodeon implemented its Safer Way to School solution for the Lounetjärvi school and daycare centre in Tikkakoski.

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The best project I’ve ever been involved

Ideapark Commercial City in Lempäälä attracts up to 7 million visitors a year, and 99 per cent of them arrive by car, Nodeon carried out a traffic flow analysis for Ideapark in late winter 2019.

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Traffic data and analyses to a cloud in real-time

The City of Helsinki has a long tradition of applying modern technologies to transportation planning. Nodeon continues this chain by modernising the traffic measurement equipment and taking the data and the analyses to a cloud.

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Where do the users of park-and-ride areas come from?

Park-and-ride is parking aimed at the customers of public transport. It allows for reducing congestion on the inbound lanes of cities and in city centres and for attracting new customers from the most peripheral areas in the region.

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Where to fit two million people?

Helsinki is expected to grow into a city with a population of 860,000 by 2050. By then, the population of the entire metropolitan area is expected to have risen to two million.

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Who’s visiting, and how often?

An amusement park follows, on the one hand, the laws of the trade industry and, on the other hand, the laws of an event organiser. Be that as it may, Nodeon’s analysis produces precise information on the amusement park’s customers.

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Design of national road 12, the ring road south of Lahti

The planning of the technical systems and solutions of extensive road projects constitutes Nodeon’s core competence. Our experts have solid experience of practically all of Finland’s large-scale road and tunnel projects, in which the sites are equipped with smart traffic telematics and other safety systems.

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